Guide to Fishing in Destin

Guide to Fishing in Destin

 Want to go fishing during your Destin vacation? Here are tips you should know before you go.


Know before you go.

Be sure to check the flag and surf conditions before you go. Whether on a boat or shore fishing, it is important to plan for the weather and potential rough surf. It is also important to be aware of what fish are in season, which are catch and release, how many you can keep etc. Click the link to the Catch/Release/what’s in Season section below to get a downloadable pdf.  


Who needs a fishing license?

 A saltwater fishing license is required for fisherman ages 16 to 64, those whom are exempt from a fishing license include those taking charter fishing boats, permanently disabled residents and members of the military who are home temporarily.

 Florida residents can purchase a license for either one or five years. If you are a non-resident you can either purchase a fishing license for three days, seven days or one year and will pay more than residents.


Costs of License (From FWC):

Saltwater Fishing License

=       Resident Annual:  $17.00

=       Resident Five-Year:  $79.00

=       Non-Resident Annual:  $47.00

=       Non-Resident 3-Day:  $17.00

=       Non-Resident 7-Day:  $30.00


Saltwater Shoreline Only

=       Resident Annual Saltwater Shoreline License: No-Cost

=       Non-Resident would have to purchase a general fishing license


Saltwater Fishing Permits (These are required, in addition to a saltwater fishing license, including shoreline fishing, when taking or attempting to take one of these fish)

=       Snook

o   Annual $10

o   Five-Year (Residents Only) $50

=       Spiny Lobster

o   Annual $5

o   Five-Year (Residents Only) $25

=       Tarpon Tags

o   Annual $51.50 (Available at tax collector's offices only)

o   For more information read about Tarpons


You can purchase these licenses at:

=       Walmart’s Sporting Goods Section

=       Half Hitch Tackle

=       Call FWC at either 888-HUNT-FLORIDA(486-8356) or 888-FISH-FLORIDA(347-4356)

=       Online at

=       Or download the free app by searching FWC in the App Store or Google Play


License-free Fishing Days

Ever wanted to try ocean fishing but never wanted to pay the money for a license or permit, well you’re in luck. The state of Florida offers three different times during the year for those wanting to experience fishing, take their children, or for avid fisherman to introduce a friend or family member to fishing without having to purchase a license for them. On these special days, the fishing license requirement is waived for all recreational anglers, including both residents and non-residents. 


License-free saltwater days

=       First consecutive Saturday and Sunday in June

=       First Saturday in September

=       Saturday following Thanksgiving


What does this license allow me to fish?

The Florida saltwater fishing license allows fisherman to catch various species of fish as well as marine life such as crabs and clams, located in the coastal waters of the state. But if you are wanting to catch a Snook, Spiny Lobster or Tarpon you must purchase a permit on top of your fishing license.


Catch & Release/What’s in Season:

Click the link bellow to view a pdf, courtesy of Florida’s Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, for what fish are in season and the regulations that come with catching them.


Proper Fishing Gear:

I know it’s hard to believe but when fishing on the Gulf there a certain type of fishing gear that will help you fish with ease. Florida’s Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission has done a great job by creating a checklist of things you’ll need when going Saltwater fishing. (

Proper Hooks:

Circle hooks are 90% more likely to hook fish in the mouth which reduced internal harm, decreases dehooking time and lessens your chance of having to leave the hook in the fish. Another perk of these hooks is that they are used best with natural bait (alive or dead). When choosing hooks be sure that they are non-stainless steel hooks, so in the rare case you have to leave the hook in the fish they will rust and deteriorate sooner than a stainless steel or nickel-plated hooks. They are also less toxic.


Fishing Line:

It is important to properly dispose of all fishing line. After line gets tangled, it is important to place it in a trash bag and return to shore. Fishing line is the number one culprit of sea turtle deaths and entangles many marine animals and birds. In addition, many stores sell biodegradable line.



A great fishing app that I have recently discovered is Fishbrain. The app not only shows you what others are catching around you but it also tells you what kind of bait they were using, how they caught it, what type of fish it was and how they were casting. You can choose to receive push notifications if you’d like otherwise you can just pop in and check whenever you’d like. 

For checking surf conditions I go to:

And for current flag conditions:


Ready to book your next Destin vacation? View our collection of Destin vacation rentals online or call one of our friendly vacation specialists 1-800-225-7652.


See you @ the beach!

Published on Friday, July 5, 2019