Tennis in Destin - Game, Set, Match!

Last week we highlighted golf as our healthy living in Destin activity, so this week we're highlighting tennis in Destin, Fla.  

While there are many options, our favorite (yes, we're biased) is tennis at Hidden Dunes Beach & Tennis Resort, located near Sandestin. Hidden Dunes Beach & Tennis Resort was ranked as one of the top 50 tennis resorts worldwide by  Tennis Resort Online . Hidden Dunes Tennis Center features six championship clay Rubico courts. What really makes Hidden Dunes tennis special is Tennis Director Renee Broxson. Broxson took over the tennis program in August 2011 and has been focused on quality, customer service and game matching. Since she joined the team, Hidden Dunes has become renowned for its like-level game matching.

Hidden Dunes offers competitive court rates. Guests staying at Hidden Dunes enjoy 90 min. of court time for $36 per court and non-guests for $56 per court. Regular tennis clinics are offered for $25 per person for 75 minutes. Hidden dunes is open 7 days a week from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. To schedule a match, call 850-269-2590.

Tennis at Hidden Dunes is great exercise and great fun in a great setting!  

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Published by Tracy Louthain
Tuesday, January 22, 2013